24 Січня 2019

Олена Кошарна: Новий інвестиційний фонд для України

(мовою оригіналу)

Horizon Capital had the honor of announcing our new $200 million Ukraine-focused fund

Last night, at Ukraine House in Davos alongside the World Economic Forum and during the National Investment Council meeting with top CEOs and the President of Ukraine, Horizon Capital had the honor of announcing our new $200 million Ukraine-focused fund. It was fitting that on UkraineInvest day at Ukraine House over $450 million in new investments were announced.

When we began fundraising, we set a target of $150 million and many told us it was not possible. We first reached our target then exceeded it then achieved our hard cap of $200 million, the maximum set by our investors. In fact, we had to turn away additional commitments.

This fund is a testament to a new generation of “business heroes” in Ukraine, visionary entrepreneurs leading high-growth export-oriented and domestic businesses.

I am immensely grateful to the talented entrepreneurs of this country that inspire me and our team every single day. I am grateful to our investors, our team and those who backed us and believe in us. The funds that we manage have already invested over $650 million in 140 companies in Ukraine and the near region.

One team, one dream! Focus is Power!

We look forward to this next chapter and many more investment success stories to come!

Last night, at Ukraine House in Davos alongside the World Economic Forum and during the National Investment Council…

Опубліковано Lenna Koszarny Четвер, 24 січня 2019 р.



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