17 Червня 2019

Макс Печерський: €2 млн на стартап

PromoRepublic отримала гроші для подальшого розвитку

(мовою оригіналу)

Hey friends! Good news.

We announce our Late Seed round – EUR 2 000 000 in total from VCs, Cool Angels and Finnish Public Fund. It took us long to commit it – but now it is closed. Boom!!!

We are on a good scaling path and excited about the next stage of our growth. It is going to be exciting, believe me

I am so grateful to:
– my wife Mariia Pecherska for tolerating the chaotic life of a startup entrepreneur. I love you!
– co-founders Valeriy Grabko and Mikhail Baranovsky for supporting me and making impossible possible. This is our mutual achievement.
– the best team on the world for being THE punks of meaningful social media content and for performing as superheroes and sometimes even better!
– the board, advisors, our existing and new investors for their trust and support.

Більше новин та актуальних матеріалів у нашому каналі в Telegram



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